Chair: Bindu Mathur
Committee Co-Chair: Vacant
MVCCA Co-Chair Liaison: Scott Taylor
Subcommittees: Long Range Strategic Planning
Developers: To be placed on the Planning & Zoning meeting agenda, use the Agenda Request Form (Word format) or the printable Agenda Request Form in PDF format. To view PDF documents you need to have installed the Adobe PDF Reader from the Adobe download center.
The Committee policy is to meet at 7:00 PM on the first Monday of each month either virtually or in-person at the Mount Vernon Government Center. Meeting agenda and invitation information will be emailed by the chairperson.
Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting
April 7 @ 7:00 pm at Zoom Meeting
The P&Z Committee’s mission is to address the land use issues of it’s member associations and County Staff recommendations in the Mount Vernon District that respond to the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan guidelines.
The monthly MVCCA Record will contain minutes and links to documents regarding the current/recent issues we are addressing.
2019 Meetings
September 2019
Dunkin Donuts Presentation (pdf)
March 2019
North Gateway CBC Units A-1, A-2 and A-3, PA 2018-IV-MV5
A joint meeting was held with Transportation for an introductory briefing of the current concept for the Plan Amendment that will shape the North Gateway Community Business Center (CBC) incorporating urban design guidelines envisioned by the EMBARK planning effort. The Plan Amendment would provide 396 dwelling units and 215,000 sq. ft. of non-residential development. A complex of new buildings ranging from six to fifteen stories high would be arranged in a grid of new local streets. A central spine of the development would be along Ft. Hunt Road extended north of Richmond Highway. A park-like area would be maintained along Cameron Run to both continue the Cameron Run Trail and as a barrier for flood control. A possible pedestrian trail beneath the highway along the bank of Cameron Run Trail would connect with an extension of the George Washington Memorial Parkway Trail. Final staff report is expected in May 2019 for a Planning Commission hearing June and a Board of Supervisors hearing in July.
7 Eleven, 8629 Richmond Highway, SE 2019-MV-001
This presentation was also a joint meeting with the Transportation committee. The current 7Eleven built in 1973 is to be demolished and replace with a new building and 8 gas pumps. New Construction will be built at the Old Denny’s property and the gas pumps will be on the current 7Eleven site pad. The new construction will be set back to accommodate the Richmond Highway widening project and access will be by Lukens Lane (adjacent to the property) and the northbound land of Richmond Highway. Corporate rationale is to fill the gap of several gas station closings due to the widening. The new construction will consist of a 4,000 sq. ft. 7Eleven and 2,400 sq. ft. retail space within the building. Design is new corporate design with masonry appearance surface and will be open 24hrs day including holidays. Current trip count is 1040 per day to be increased by 895. Committee felt that was way too low an estimate. The site is zoned C-8 accommodating the 7Eleven building; however, the gas pumps need a special exception for completion. Members were positive to the idea but questioned why there were no solar panels or charging stations as part of the plan. Additionally questioned what the ground water risks would be for the fuel storage tanks. It was suggested that they reach out to the community directly behind the property and most effected by this change. The project is set to go before the Planning Commission May 22nd and the Board of Supervisors June 25.
Demolition of House at 8301 E. Blvd., Alexandria, VA 22308
Sallie Lyons, Fairfax County History Commissioner and Tammy Mannarino, Mount Vernon Registry Social Secretary gave a presentation on the historical significance of the property. The site listed on the Fairfax County Inventory of Historical Sites indicating it was first built between 1852-1855. Fairfax County has no regulation to force current owner to keep the current structure and plans have been submitted to build a new home. Property is privately owned and by-right. The Wellington Community, which surrounds the property approves of the new residential structure being built so long as it abides by the RPA and Conservation easements are not disturbed.
January 2019
Wesley Housing Project – Rosa Estrada, Wesley Housing and Sara Mariska, Womble Bond Dickenson.
Wesley Housing came back to the committee with their findings after meeting with other entities after our December meeting. The community approved the project as they had addressed their concerns of parking, lighting and plantings on the property. In addition, they are undergrounding many of the utilities as part of the project.
2018 Meetings
December 2018
Wesley Housing Project – Rosa Estrada, Wesley Housing and Sara Mariska, Womble Bond Dickenson.
This was an informational meeting regarding the proposed change to a previously approved project at Huntington Road/Biscayne Road a block from the Huntington Metro Station. The proposal includes on-site corporate offices for Wesley Housing and a decrease in the number of apartments available as well as on-site parking for residents. Committee asked that they meet with the Huntington Community Association, E&R Committee and Transportation Committee before our January meeting before a committee decision could be made.
November 2018
Woodlawn Fire Station – Fire Chief, Fairfax County Staff.
The committee was given an overview of the proposed new fire station on it’s current site that will encompass a 2 story, 15,000 sq. ft facility with new living quarters for both male/female personnel, as well as improved screening and an on-site stormwater management system.
Lukens Lane Private School Special Exception
The community along Lukens Lane shared their concerns with the proposed project and additional information was shared to answer any lingering questions.
October 2018
Sacramento Center – Restaurant with drive thru. Site pad to be developed as a Burger King within the property. Committee suggested rain gardens, landscaping buffers and use of quality building materials in harmony with surrounding historical area. Presenters will return with a conceptual vision at a later date.
1300-1302 Lafayette Drive – committee supported resolution presented by the Hollin Hall Village Civic Association community, where the property is located.
September 2018
Civic Association of Hollin Hills (CA Hollin Hills)- Christine Kelly.
The CA of Hollin Hills is in the process of becoming an Historic Overlay District. Of the approximately 500 households 72.5% support the process that will take approximately 2 years to complete. They will keep us apprised as the move forward. No action the committee was requested at this time.
North Gateway (intersection of Ft. Hunt Road/Richmond Hwy on Belle Haven Country Club). Robert Brandt, Walsh & Colucci and Jane Crist Kausner, VP Development for Washington Property Company.
This was an informational meeting regarding a possible drive thru restaurant on the 3900 sq. ft. pad site. The committee expressed concerns regarding traffic with a drive thru at the site and noted that the Comprehensive Plan does not allow for such a structure in North Gateway without a Special Exception. The presenters will come back at a later date after a series of informational sessions with the surrounding communities are convened. No action by the committee was requested at this time.
August 2018
July 9, 2018
Northpoint/Huntington Crossing: Applicant returned to answer questions and give further information on project. Committee Approved.
8728 Lukens Road: Application came back to committee to give more information on project. They are now proposing 24 students instead of initial 12. Application scheduled before Fairfax County Planning Commission 10/4/18 and Fairfax County BOS TBD.
Urban Design Guidelines for Revitalization Districts and Areas (CRD’s/CRA’s): Presented by Joanne Fiebe, Office of Community Revitalization (OCR). To review the draft guidelines and provide feedback visit: or call Joanne Fiebe at OCR: 703-324-9300.
June 4, 2018
Woodlawn Plantation/The National Trust for Historic Preservation (Joint meeting with Transportation): application for change to accommodate new buildings on property and expanded use of property.
Resolution discussion regarding 8800 Richmond Highway. Committee Approved.
Northpoint/Huntington Crossing: application gave brief overview of project; applying for rezoning from C-3 to PDH-12. Property plan designed to avoid impacts to adjacent floodplain. Designed for owner occupied units. Application scheduled before Fairfax County Planning Commission 9/20/18 and Fairfax County BOS 9/25/18. Will come back in June for final questions.
Tukong Academy: Requesting a Special Exception to permit private school of special education of tae kwon do school and waiver of minimum district size for a C-8 lot reduced in size from road takings. Committee Denied at 7/9/18 meeting.
May 7, 2018
8800 Richmond Highway (Joint Presentation with Transportation Committee): briefed on project by owner, developers. Lengthy discussions.
1300-1302 Lafayette Road: briefed by applicant’s attorney and applicant for rezoning application from a C-2 to C-5 designation.
April 2, 2018
March 2018
February 5, 2018
Woodlawn Fire Station – briefed on construction and application for rezoning, map amendments, changes to Comprehensive Plan; need to meet with surrounding communities. Discussed environment issues. Will bring back closer to public meetings.
Fenton Property/Richmond Hwy and Shields Avenue: possibility of development on site; development supports Comp Plan, future BRT and CBC of EMBARK.
8728 Lukens Road: briefed about possible private school (12 students max). Community supports plan. County did not accept plan, requires Special Exception. Discussed pupil-teacher ratio, accreditation and parking.
Sunoco Property: briefed again on potential purchase. Potential owner would modify access to/from Richmond Highway and include more historical design. Also more environmentally sound. Committee members expressed negative position regarding the Special Exception needed for gas station to return to site.
County Zoning Modification Project (Z MOD): briefed committee on efforts to streamline zoning laws. Development process 1-2 years. Goal to have draft in 18 months.
January 8, 2018
2017 Meetings
December 11, 2017
EMBARK presentation by Fairfax County Staff along with representatives from VDOT regarding county’s proposed Comprehensive Plan.
November 6, 2017
Huntington Club: Upcoming Comprehensive Plan Amendment application scheduled before Fairfax County Planning Commission 12/7/17 and Fairfax County BOS 1/23/18. Committee Approved
2560 Huntington Avenue: City staff and Applicant’s attorney Lynn Strobel gave presentation regarding upcoming Comprehensive Plan Amendment application scheduled before Fairfax County Planning Commission 12/7/17 and Fairfax County BOS 1/23/18. Committee Approved
Sky View Park: Applicant Richard Labbe presented on Comprehensive Plan Amendment application scheduled before Fairfax County Planning Commission 12/7/17 and Fairfax County BOS 1/23/18. Committee Approved
Pear Tree Shopping Center Day Care: Follow up on Special Exception Application to be presented before the Fairfax County Planning Commission 1/11/18. Committee Approved
October 2, 2017
September 11, 2017
Riverside Apartments: Rezoning application to increase density
Pear Tree Shopping Center Day Care: Initial presentation about Special Use Permit application to allow 99 children in vacant space within Center.
July 10, 2017
A rezoning application to transform the existing 1,222 unit gated Riverside apartments into a pedestrian-oriented, outward facing community by adding 767 new rental apartment units, a new grid of streets, eliminating vast expanses of surface parking, and providing 4.8 acres of public park space, most of which is a linear park celebrating and providing access to Cameron Run.
June 5, 2017
* Note time change to 7:00 p.m.
May 1, 2017
CANCELLED – There are no scheduled land use applications.
April 3, 2017
Eastwood Properties, Inc. presentation for 8419 and 8423 Sky View Drive to propose a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning to allow 11 town homes.
Novus Residences presentation will include information that on October 18, 2016, the Board of Supervisors amended the Comprehensive Plan for property identified as 83-3 ((1)) 20, 83-2 ((1)) 18 and 19 to allow an option for development of a multifamily building with up to 375 dwelling units. Novus Residences is now processing an application to implement the Plan recommendations for a rezoning for the approximately 5.3 acre property from the C-8 and R-4 Districts to the PRM District to allow development of up to 375 multifamily units.
March 6, 2017
Bock Farm presentation by the applicant
Fairfax Forward update and discussion. Link to the staff presentation of the proposed changes to Fairfax Forward: Additional information on the process may be found here:
2016 Meetings
December 2016
North Hill Rezoning (Joint with Transportation Committee) – Presentation by applicant and discussion of proposed plans).
Woodlawn CBC Street Grid (Joint with Transportation Committee)
Discussion on Verizon Wireless 2232 – applicant is not presenting, simply a discussion of whether MVCCA wants to take a position (not attached as its 6 MG, will be posted to committee website)
Planning Commissioner Flanagan’s Report.
Supporting Documents:
Memorandum to Viani-Vinisky – 12-1-16 (A0743107).pdf
North Hill Concept Layout – 11.29.16 (A0743106).pdf
Draft Proffers – (11-16-16) (cln) (A0736033).doc
Requested Waivers and Modifications – 12-01-16 (A0742406).docx
Staff Rpt No 2232-V16-38 Verizon Wireless 5065 Richmond Highway (00866351xAC2B5).pdf.
November 7, 2016
Distribution of handout regarding how Homeowners Associations can increase tree canopy (From Eleanor Quigley)
Presentation of proposed rezoning plan for North Hill Project (INFORMATION ONLY: There will be no vote or recommendation for action)
Planning Commissioner Flanagan’s Report.
October 3, 2016
Comprehensive Plan Amendment on North Hill Project (JOINT with MVCCA Transportation Committee)
New Alexandria House Construction Floodplain SE
Huntington Club
Planning Commissioner Flanagan’s Report
Short Term Rental Legislation
Supporting Documents:
North Hill Staff Report pa2016-iv-mv1.pdf
STR Resolution 091216.docx
STR Resolution Cover Letter 091216.pdf
September 12, 2016
Novus Kings Crossing – Penn Daw Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Lennar – Huntington Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Planning Commissioner Flanagan’s Report
Deferred – Potential Townhouse project in Gum Springs/Hybla Valley (no exhibits yet)
Added – Presentation by Fairfax County staff on North Hill Project
Supporting Documents:
Penn Daw Comp Plan Amendment Staff Report 2015-iv-mv3.pdf
Huntington Comp Plan Amendment 2014-iv-mv3.pdf
HCA letter to Planning Commission_re Lennar proposed construction_20160815.pdf
June 6, 2016
7-11 Alban Road – Changing Special Exception to Quick Food Store
Lennar – Update on Apartments by Huntington
Bock Farm Property – Rezoning and SE near hospital for Independent Living Facility
Airport Noise Update
Supporting Documents:
Bock Farm Memo with Appendix.pdf
MVCCA Agenda Request (A0707143).doc
MVCCA Agenda Request 05.13.16 (A0709085).doc
REV Statement of Justification (A0708895).pdf
Revised Statement of Justification 02.05.16 (A0696905).pdf
Signal Needs Study – Parkers-Hinson Farm.pdf
April 4, 2016
March 7, 2016
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 03-07-2016
Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (A0700252)
February 1, 2016
MVCCA P&Z Agenda 2-1-2016
January 4, 2016
No meeting
2015 Meetings
October 5 , 2015
Clerk’s Letter.pdf
Nov 2002 SEA Plat.pdf
Staff Report 2003.pdf
Statement of Justification (A0670576) 2426 huntington avenue rezoning-2.pdf
April 6, 2015
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 04-06-2015.docx
Presentation Kings Crossing 04062015 A.ppt
Draft Comprehensive Plan Language (A0608726)Spring Bank.pdf
DAS Policy.pdf
8800 Richmond Highway Redevelopment powerpoint2 Land Use.pptx
2014 Meetings
November 3, 2014
Application for Morningstar Daycare
Presentation of the Morning Star Daycare project
S ummary of Supervisor Hyland’s Visioning Task Force Recommendations
September 8, 2014
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 09-08-2014.docx
April 7, 2014
DPZ Planning 101
DPZ Zoning
For Immediate Release Fairfax Planning Commission Recommends Green Energy Park 4-4-14.pdf
February 3, 2014
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 02-03-2014.docx
AH Contributions Policy.pdf
NFCA’s pro-ESI resolution – for mvcca mtg.docx
ESI applicant statement 01-22-2014 redline.docx
January 6, 2014
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 01-06-2014.docx
Development Conditions filed 12-10-13.pdf
Final Staff Report 2232-V13-17 (PCA).pdf
Final Staff Report 2232-V13-18 (SEA).pdf
Illustrative Cross Sections.pdf
Applicant’s Statement SEA 80-L_V-061-2 filed [12-10-2013]-c.pdf
EnviroSolutions Green Energy Park concept revised.pptx
Green Energy Park Application Features and Benefits.docx
Project Overview.docx
2013 Meetings
December 2, 2013
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Agenda 12-2-2013.docx
RSU PC workshop Q&A.pdf
Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse CDP.pdf
Active_40009691_13_Laurel Hill – Proffers sent to SCF land use October 2013.doc
MVCCA Planning & Zoning Minutes 11-4-2014.docx
[Floor Area Ratio – FAR]
Penn Daw Fire and Supportive Housing Presentation to MVCCA, January 11, 2021
Railroad Cottages Information
Urban Design Guidelines for Revitalization Districts and Areas
Urban Design Guidelines for Revitalization Districts and Areas
Laurel Hill Planning
Current Map
Mount Vernon Coverage Maps – Existing & Proposed
Filed 2232 – 1st Application
Filed 2232 – 2nd Application
Filed 2232 – 3rd Application
What is a 2232?
Comprehensive Plan Presentation 2015.pdf
Zoning Ordinace Presentation 2015.pdf
Rt 1 corridor map 2015.pdf
Zoning Changes Fequently Asked Questions 2015.pdf
Zoning draft amendment 10-29-15 (with explanations).pdf
Planning & Zoning Special August 1, 2013, meeting on Proposed Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Residential Studios/Efficiencies
Click here to view a video of the meeting