Embark Richmond Highway

Embark – Richmond Highway‘ is a Working Group set up by our Supervisor to assure that the public is apprised of progress of the implementation of the Richmond Highway Multimodal Study made by the County staff. The following studies, depicted on respective web sites, present a pertinent background to its implementation.

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October 2016:  A new EMBARK video is available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNADSAN0aCE.  It explains everything you want to know about the revitalization of Rt. 1 project.  Please view it, let your communities know it is there, and encourage them to look at it and get involved.

Embark: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/embarkrichmondhwy/
Route 1 Multi-modal Alternatives Analysis:

Route 1 Centerline Design Study
Advisory Group Roles and Responsibilities
DRPT Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis and Background Information

Embark Powerpoint Presentation July 11, 2016

Land Use Presentation December 9, 2015
Update of Transportation Projects

BOS Agenda May 12, 2015
BOS Agenda Attachment_III
BOS Minutes May 12, 2015
Executive Steering Committee Resolution

Resolution for Support of the Recommendations of the Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis
October 27, 2014


WHEREAS, the Executive Steering Committee for the Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis has coordinated with the project team in developing transportation recommendations for a 15-mile corridor in Fairfax and Prince William Counties; and

WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation—in partnership with Fairfax County, Prince William County, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment—has incorporated recent legislative history and relevant studies in completing the Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis, which involved intensive technical analyses and frequent coordination with agency and community stakeholders, leading to the recommendations; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Steering Committee supports the project recommendations for a phased implementation of the multimodal (roadway, bicycle/pedestrian, and transit) improvements of “Alternative 4 BRT/Metrorail Hybrid”, including:
• Roadway Widening: Widen roadway from four lanes to six lanes where necessary to create a
consistent, six-lane cross section along the corridor;
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Create a continuous facility for pedestrians and bicyclists
along the 15 mile corridor; the configuration will vary depending upon urban design, right-of-way availability, and other local considerations;
• Transit: Contingent upon increased land use density and project funding, implement a median running Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system from Huntington to Route 123 in Woodbridge (curb  running BRT in mixed traffic within the Prince William County portion) and a 3-mile Metrorail
Yellow Line extension from Huntington to Hybla Valley as expeditiously as possible; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Steering Committee supports incorporating the recommendations in local, regional, and statewide plans so that the projects will be positioned for funding; and

WHEREAS, supportive land uses, including increased development density and mixed-use, pedestrian oriented development or redevelopment, along with supporting infrastructure, may be incorporated in local plans and regional forecasts in conjunction with the transit improvement; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Steering Committee of the Route 1
Multimodal Alternatives Analysis hereby endorses the transportation recommendations for
implementation of the multimodal (roadway, bicycle/pedestrian, and transit) improvements of “Alternative 4 BRT/Metrorail Hybrid,” contingent upon supportive land use and an achievable funding plan.

Embark Updates – July 2016
from Frank Cohn, Embark Advisory Board member 

1. BRT and eventually an extension of Metro can only occur with increased density within the Route #1 corridor. The problem is one of what comes first – the chicken or the egg? Currently, Route #1 is in a very congested traffic mode. During rush hours and on weekends our Route #1 traffic is jammed. As density will be increased, traffic volume will build up further and we will be facing gridlock. If we have to wait until we have achieved the critical density required for the widening of Route #1 before the road is widened, we will be in great trouble, since the construction involved will further aggravate an already imagined dire situation. There could be multiple years of traffic gridlock if the proper sequence of road construction and density attainment is not properly synchronized.  We need to see a timeline which correlates construction of the road with the desired constructions to achieve the required critical density.

2. A Fiscal Plan needs to be developed to show the sources and timing of the acquisition of money required to widen Route #1 and to achieve the desired density within the Route #1 corridor. The lack of a fiscal plan was demonstrated, as we failed to receive any Route #1 funding from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission for the current fiscal year, in support of current needs for design and right-of-way acquisition. Our priority standing for State funding for road construction needs some significant improvement. Money will drive or stymie our desired construction. Since money is the driving force, a plan which shows how money is to be attained requires immediate attention.