Elected Officers
Co-Chair | Katherine Ward | co.chair1@mvcca.org |
Co-Chair | Judy Harbeck | co.chair2@mvcca.org |
Co-Chair | Scott Taylor | co.chair3@mvcca.org |
Secretary | Tamara Srader | secretary@mvcca.org |
Treasurer | William Kane | treasurer@mvcca.org |
Committee Chairs and Representatives
Budget and Finance | James Perkins | chair.bf@mvcca.org |
Education | Cathy Hosek | chair.edu@mvcca.org |
Environment and Recreation | Larry Zaragoza | chair.er@mvcca.org |
Planning & Zoning | Bindu Mathur | chair.pz@mvcca.org |
Public Safety | John Lincoski | chair.ps@mvcca.org |
Transportation | Jason Zaragoza | chair.tran@mvcca.org |
Record Editor | Karen Keefer | editor@mvcca.org |
Membership | Vacant | membership@mvcca.org |
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations | Marty Lowery | rep.federation@mvcca.org |
Southeast Fairfax Development Corp. | Ellen Young | rep.sfdc@mvcca.org |
Storm Water Management Special Committee | Leo Milanowski | specialcommittee@mvcca.org |