Chair: John Lincoski
Committee Co-Chair: Vacant
Committee Secretary: John Bioty
MVCCA Co-Chair Liaison: Katherine Ward
The Committee policy is to meet at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month either virtually or in-person at the Mount Vernon Government Center. NOTE: Beginning in March 2025, The Public Safety Committee will be meeting jointly with the Transportation Committee. Meeting agenda and invitation information will be emailed by the chairperson.
Presenters: To ask to be placed on the Transportation Committee meeting agenda, use the Agenda Request Form (Word format) or the printable Agenda Request Form in PDF format. To view PDF documents you need to have installed the Adobe PDF Reader from the Adobe download center.
Public Safety and Transportation Committee Meeting
April 14 @ 7:00 pm at Zoom Meeting
The Mission of the MVCCA Transportation Committee is to monitor transportation planning, maintenance and operations issues relevant to the citizens of Mount Vernon; collect inputs from our member citizens’ associations; and, when appropriate, recommend action to the MVCCA General Council.
The monthly MVCCA Record will contain minutes and links to documents regarding the current issues we are addressing.
April 5, 2021
National Park Service George Washington Memorial Parkway Presentation (video)
March 2, 2020
Paving and Restriping Meetings Mt Vernon District Sully Mason
Belle View 17119_VisionBook)
Belle View Agenda Request Form
Belle View Nomination Justification
February 3, 2020
5919 N Kings Hwy Statement of Justification
5919 N Kings Hwy Request 2 B on Agenda
5919 N Kings Hwy Proffer Statement
Roy Rogers Request 2 B on Agenda
BOS Matter Action Jeff Todd Way
January 6, 2020
December 2, 2019
Community Workshop Alt Trail Connections near Huntley Meadows Park, Dec. 4
DRAFT Sunoco Resolution
National Park Service Public Open House, Dec. 3
November 11, 2019
Presentation Request – Old Sunoco Site
October 7, 2019
Huntwood Plaza Proposed Master Plan
September 9, 2019
Letters from Senator Scott Surovell on George Washington Parkway Survey Responses
Long Bridge Project_ExecutiveSummary for a new Long Bridge (railroad) across the Potomac has just been published by the Federal Railroad Administration and the District Department of Transportation. Read the Executive Summary here.
July 8, 2019
National Park Service (NPS) notification for the public meeting on the south parkway safety study
Richmond Hwy Corridor Improvements:
Richmond Hwy Bus Rapid Transit Project:
May 6, 2019
Meeting Agenda
WMATA Metro Platform Project Summer 2019
Mount Vernon Memorial Highway,Rte 235_Speed Study 7.6 mb
agenda_request_form – metro 5.6.19 45 kb
Agenda Request form Fenton Properties MVC Application 2.5 mb
Beyer Surovell Krizek GWMP SAFETY thoughts & call for action 167 kb
Fenton-Presentation 3.8 mb
Overview – WMATA Presentation 5 mb
April 1, 2019
HATS Huntington Area Transportation Study agenda request
Both Draft Resolutions
Repaving Striping Briefing
April 1 2019 HATS Presentation_TWB 03-29-2019
March 4, 2019
7-11 Lukens Statement of Justification (as filed)
7-11 Lukens Plans
7-11 Lukens Agenda Request Form
N. Gateway CBC Agenda Request Form
Save the Date Richmond Highway Design Public Hearing
February 4, 2019 Meeting Agenda
MVD Transportation Projects Status Report Jan. 2019
How do you dismantle a nuclear power plant, WASH POST
NVTA Feb 6 Econ Impact mt
Design Mt Widening
January 7, 2019 Meeting Agenda
VDOT Widening Presentation
VDOT Environmental Assessment, Richmond Highway Corridor Improvements
December 3 Meeting Agenda
Fort Hunt Road-Route 1 Presentation from Dean Lohmeyer
December 3 Meeting Agenda
Fort Hunt Road-Route 1 Presentation from Dean Lohmeyer
November 5, 2018 Meeting Agenda
October 9, 2018 Meeting Agenda and Attachments:
Sketch of Woodlawn Shopping Ctr proposed intersections, 2 letters referencing a proposed private school on Lukens Lane
Addendum to the staff report for 8800 Richmond Highway project released on Oct 3 2018. It can be found here:
September 10, 2018 Meeting Agenda and Attachments:
Wellington Heights letter to Representative Don Beyer in reference to Air Plane Noise
July 9, 2018 Meeting Agenda and Attachments:
Lukens Lane document, American Tukong document
December 11, 2017: Fairfax County staff presentation on EMBARK and Richmond Highway Widening:
‘Embark – Richmond Highway‘ is a Working Group set up by our Supervisor to assure that the public is apprised of progress of the implementation of the Richmond Highway Multimodal Study made by the County staff.
VDOT Response to MVCCA Resolution on Mt. Vernon Memorial Highway Safety Improvements
FCDOT Response to MVCCA Resolution on Mt. Vernon Memorial Highway Safety Improvements
Un-funded Projects: Community Feedback Sought on Prioritizing Proposed Fairfax County Transportation Projects for Funding:
Fairfax Countywide Transit Network Study ( bus connectivity routes).
Exhibit 1 of 4: Sacramento & Cooper intersection vicinity
Exhibit 2 of 4: Highland & Frye intersection vicinity
Exhibit 3 of 4: South County Government Center vicinity
Exhibit 4 of 4: Buckman Road and Mt. Vernon Highway vicinity
Report Increased Aircraft Noise Complaints to the FAA at or call 703-417-1204.
MVCCA Transportation Committee Update on DCA Aircraft Noise by Mike Rioux and Team Members